
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Photos Fruit Stalls at Night

Photo 1 Various  fruit : kelengkeng, orange, pumpkin,apples, bananas, durian, grapes, sapodilla etc

The seller was serving a buyer

Photo 3 situation of the fruit stalls at night

Photo 4 Fruit Juice Stalls

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Photos Fishing Blanak in the Port of Tanjung Intan Cilacap

Photo 1 : Group of anglers fish blanak
Photo 2:  Angler fish blanak beside the ships

Photo 3 : Anglers in action
Photo 4 : Fish Blanak

Photos Estuaries in the town of Cilacap

Photo 1 : The boat was parked in the estuary

Photo 2 : The boat was passing towards the sea

Photo 3 : Nusakambangan Island seen from the estuary

Photo 4 :  Bridge over the estuary of the river

Photos Cilacap City 2011

Photo 1 : Jl. Juanda Cilacap

Photo 2 : Alun - alun Cilacap

Photo 3 : Pasar/Market Gede Cilacap

Photo 4 : Railway Station Cilacap

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Photo Panorama West Beach Town of Cilacap

Photo 1 : Tanjun Intan harbor viewed from Navigaton dock

Photo 2: Passing ships in the Harbor

Photo 3 : Freighter was Parked

Photo 4: Peep Tanjun Intan harbor

Photos Fishing in Docks Navigation Port of Tanjung Intan Cilacap

Photo 1: Fun Fishing with background Nusakambangan island

Photo 2 : Attractive fishing with a background Port of Tanjung Intan

Photo 3:  Enjoy while Fhising

Photo 4: Location docks Navigation  Port of Tanjung Intan 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Photos Activity of the morning in one of the traditional markets in Cilacap, Central Java

           Identical to the traditional market where buying and selling that sounded chaotic, dirty and and heat. But in the midst of the modern market, the market tradissional still exist and crowded. This is because the traditional market has the advantage compared to the modern market, namely at bargain prices can be relatively cheap. Here the authors show the photo activity of one traditional markets in Cilacap regency, namely market Sidodadi, or known by the market sangkalputung.
Photo 1: Morning activities in the market Sidodadi (sangkalputung) cilacap

 Photo 2 : Buyers are choosing fruit at a traditional market

 Photo 3 : The seller was serving a buyer

 Photo 4 : Buyer is arranging merchandise on the road ahead of the market

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Photos River to Ocean Fisheries Port Cilacap, Central Java

In the east there is a river town of Cilacap traffic that is used as the fishermen go to sea. The river passes transversely Ocean Fishery Port Cilacap (PPC). Usually it is a river that passes through the local fishermen who use small boats or boats.

Along the river boat parking lot, also often pass a boat to or returning from sea . Here is the author of the photos show the activities in the river

Photo 1: The boat was parked in a river

 Photo 2: The boat crossed the river

 Photo 3: The boat was parked in the area of ​​the Point Fisherman

Photo 4 : Fishing boat on the river

Photo Ocean Fishing Port of Cilacap (PPC), Central Java

Ocean Fishing Port of Cilacap (PPC) is a port where fishermen dock and sailing. In addition to local fishermen are also many fishermen from outside the area using a large and modern ships.  PPC in the eastern town of Cilacap, or located on the east coast of Cilacap, north of the Teluk Penyu Beach.

Activity in the PPC every day crowded by fishermen repairing boats and prepare to sail. Here are the author of the photographs show the activity in PPC Cilacap

 Photos 1 : Ships was parked

Photo 2: Ready to go to sea

Photos 3 : The ship is in repair

 Photos 4: Activity at the Port of Cilacap Ocean Fisheries

Photo Waves Breaking at Fishery Port Cilacap, Central Java

South coast of Java Island is famous for its big waves. this is because the waters south of Java island is connected to the Indian Ocean or the seas. So that only the big ships that dared to cross the waters off southern Java island. 

Cilacap city as a city located in the southern island of Java are very fortunate to have Nusakambangan island so large ocean waves do not go directly to the beach. However, in the Port of fishing is still pretty big waves breaking waves that are used to withstand the waves are pretty fierce. Breaking waves are standing strong lined the embankment that stands passing out to sea.  Here are the authors show pictures breaking waves on the ocean port of Cilacap

Photo 1: Solid line up to challenge the waves

Photo 2: Do not know surrender against the waves

Photo 3: United we are strong we are weak divorced

Photo 4: Fought against the waves

Photo Fisherman Catches Fish in Fishing Ports Cilacap, Central Java

Ocean Fishing Port of Cilacap (PPC) is a port where the fishing dock and sailing. In addition to local fishermen are also many fishermen from outside the region who use large boats and modern. PPC in the eastern town of Cilacap, or located on the east coast of Cilacap, north of the Teluk Penyu Beach.

Activity in the PPC every day crowded by fishermen who prepare for sailing or fishing unload catches.  Here is the author of the photographs show the activity in PPC Cilacap

Photo 1 :Fishermen unload fish

Photo 2: Tuna fish catches

Photo 3 : Bringing tuna

Photo 4: Incorporating fish into a truck

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Photos Railroad

Railway is one of the existing ground transportation since the Dutch colonial Nedherland. Sampai sekarang Transportasi Kereta Api sudah berkembang cukup pesat, dari KA kelas Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Kelas Eksekuti. In some cities already komuter trains connecting the city with a city within a relatively short distance.

From the western tip of Java island to the east end of the existing railway line or known by the name of the Rails . in the Java language, Railway known as the 'sepor'. Here are the authors show some railroad tracks or known by the name of sepor Rel.

Photos 1:  Railway Bridge on the River Ketiwon Tegal

Photos 2: Railway goods through the crossings

Photos 3: Railroad at  Station Tegal
 Photos 3: Railroad at Cilacap

Tegal in Photos 2011

Tegal city located in northern Gaza (Pantura), located on the borders of Central Java and Cirebon Brebes. Tegal community has a distinctive language dialeg "ngapak". Tegal is famous for its stall, (Warteg) which has spread in cities in Java island.  Also in Tegal many industries - industries that absorb labor. One of the hallmarks of Tegal is Poci teh  have a distinctive taste. As a city located in North Central Java, Then the Port of Tegal has a large enough. Many people who work as fishermen. Observing the city tegals quite interesting because his city is pretty neat as well as the existence of several ancient buildings are still well maintained.Here the authors show the photo corners Tegalscity.

Photos 1: Welcome to Tegal

 Photos 2: Monument in City Hall Park Tegal

 Photos 3: Navy office building Tegal

Photos 4: Post Office Tegal